

$20.00 $14.00

Loose weight fast, Detox your body, live with energy!Great Solution for your IBS-C constipation management

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TUMMY FIT TEA is effective in relieving constipation, Great Colon Cleanser, suppresses appetite and therefore ideal for burning fat, it is effective in the treatment of anal lacerations and hemorrhoids, can help fight worms in the stomach and colon. Can relief heartburn, nausea, gas, bloating and belching associated with dyspepsia. It is effective in preventing and relieving scurvy, effective for the common cold, boosting the immune system, lowering hyper tension, beneficial for lead toxicity, cataracts, ALSO GREAT FOR CONSTIPATION AND IBS-C (IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME-CONSTIPATION), help in combating stroke, and help maintain elasticity of the skin
INGREDIENTS Cassia roots, sienna leaves, Oolong tea, Slippery Elm bark, Peppermint herbs, Apple cider vinegar, Moringa leaves, neem bark, Black seed, Soursop roots, Gooseberry
Follow instruction on how to use the TUMMY FIT TEA.

Make sure not to eat any heavy food before you use the bathroom, if you can drink warm regular tea like Lipton or green tea (Recommended) or water until you pass your stool even for the next 30 Min after you are able to pass drink more water or regular tea.

If you have had red meat, turkey, rice in your meal the day before make sure to take 1+1/2 of the advised dosage
As an IBS-C patient, sometime it will still be hard to use the bathroom, if after 30 Min of drinking your regular tea or water you still do feel the need to pass your stool, sit on a chair and with both legs joined together lift them up and down for 1 Min or two if That does not help please do not stress yourself take your night tea (Clean Steps Constipation Relief Bitters) again on an empty stomach, you should surely pass your stool.
Remember do not let anything stress you too much as the #1 enemy off IBS-C is STRESS.

I am not a Doctor; these statements are based on my own experience as an IBS-C patient This tea is been my life saver! I was rushed to the emergency room after a long struggle with chronic constipation and from there to the Gastroenterology were I had had a colonoscopy, I was then diagnosed IBS-C in 2013 and was prescribe some pills to be taken daily for a period of time which was scary to me because my life depended on that and did not want to have to stop!

After a month of take this big company pills the effect start to slow down, 1 pill was not enough for anymore, so I went back to see the Doctor hoping He will increase the dose, when I saw the doctor I told me the next option was option was to reduce my intestine, see! I am not blaming God but as if He had planned my life this was I had had Sever back pain and the option was to have the back open I have refuse, did some therapy on myself and feel good! Now I have to agree on reducing my intestine I said no to that too.

After the Doctor refusal to increase my dosage I was going to increase the dose myself. I have Insurance so was only paying $40 as co-payment per supply decided to make some researches on the pills I was taken and found my pills (30 pills) cost my insurance $400 per supply! It rang my belt and said to myself what if God forbid I loose coverage how do I pay for my peel (my life). I eventually found another pill (100 pills per supply for only $6 and was doing the same thing the $400 pills will do but just like the so expensive pills after 2 months of use the effect kept decreasing. I lost my Mother when I was only 12 with 2 brothers and A sister to care for It had been a bumpy road, I have 1 boy 9 years old and 6 years old girl I have to live for so I went to the mother Land (Africa) dug and found This all Natural Constipation bitter that I have been using it every night for the past 3 years, the effect has not decrease instead it has slightly improved my situation! I go to my primary doctor for annual checkups every year and my general health is

Excellent. I decided to carry that product in our stores. TRUST ME CONSTIPATION IS NO JOCK! AND IBS-C IS WORST! WORST! WORST!